
Sustainable Endurance Training

Welcome to Sustainable Endurance Training by Chandler Scott. Lessons, ideas and learnings about triathlon training, endurance rehab and sustainable performance. Join here to get the next volume emailed to you:

Day Zero Action Plan: handling a niggle before it gets serious

Day Zero Action Plan: handling a niggle before it gets serious This is your immediate action plan when a niggle or injury sets in with training. Many athletes make the mistake of either doing nothing or trying to do everything. The key is somewhere in the middle. Niggles often need a little rest, a drop in volume, and one or two targeted exercises. There is no need to try every recovery method out there. Save this email for the next time you notice a niggle. (Quick note: Today I am mostly...

My plyometric training playbook

My plyometric training playbook Runners & triathletes - you should be doing more plyometric training. But there is a problem - you don’t know where to start. Worse, it can be over-complicated and confusing with all the different terms, exercises and workouts. Here’s my complete plyometric playbook: Why you should be using plyometrics as a triathlete. Before I get to what they are and how to add them to your training, I want to give you the benefits. Plyometrics have been shown to improve:...

Everything I did to help rehab a runner's hamstring

One of my athletes came to me complaining of constant hamstring tightness and pain while running fast. We looked at things from all angles (recovery, fuelling, strength, and running). Here’s everything we did to rehab his hamstring: Unfortunately for this athlete it took a few weeks to catch that his hamstring was bugging him. He thought initially it was just tight from sitting too much at work. He tried stretching it out after running but this didn’t change much. Eventually he came to see me...

A crash course on sleep for recovery from endurance training

A crash course on sleep for recovery from endurance training Sleep is underrated in triathlon training & rehab, but it’s the ultimate recovery tool. Many athletes focus on supplements but overlook the power of rest. Embrace sleep as your secret weapon - it’s the foundation for injury prevention, performance and rehab. Here is your crash course: Why sleep is your secret weapon for your rest and recovery Sleep is the single-best recovery tool - it’s free and it heals every area of the body...

Here’s how I would rehab Achilles Tendon pain as a triathlete

A common injury for runners and triathletes is the Achilles Tendon. With running and cycling we put a lot of load through the calf complex. Sometimes this can lead to pain in the Achilles. Here’s how I would rehab it as a triathlete: Before we get into the framework, an anatomy reminder. The Achilles tendon is the large common tendon coming from the calf complex and attaches into the heel. It’s made up of the peroneal and gastrocnemius muscle. These muscle groups are responsible for pushing...

Understanding your physical breakpoint as a triathlete

Understanding your physical breakpoint as a triathlete A big mistake many athletes make in their training is misunderstanding what their body can tolerate while training. Especially if you’re just getting started (or if you’re coming back from an injury). Here’s how I explain the concept of training tolerance to my athletes: Your training tolerance I use a helpful visual in the clinic with my triathletes and runners. Let’s imagine for a minute there is a consistent threshold in your ability...

Don’t let plantar fasciitis stop you from running (week 1 rehab guide)

Don’t let plantar fasciitis stop you from running (complete week 1 rehab guide) Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common sources of pain in the feet for runners and triathletes. It can set you back for weeks if not taken care of properly. I’m going to give you me week 1 program to get rid of pain (and decide if you need professional help). What is the Plantar Fascia? I’m not going to give you a complete anatomy class but it can be helpful to understand where the plantar fascia is. The...

Approaching strength training in the off-season

Approaching strength training in the off-season Most triathletes are not doing enough strength training during the off-season. And if they are, they probably are not doing the right things. This leads to: Not getting the gains from strength you’re hoping for Not taking care of any hot spots or niggles Not seeing the value in adding a strength workout Strength training should be a part of every triathletes training routine. And the off-season is a great time to get started. Time to focus on...

Your Best Season Ever Part 4: Final race prep

Your best season ever Part 4: Final race prep Let’s assume for a minute that you have followed all the advice of the last 3 newsletters. You built a foundation of health to train from. You built a base of training specific to your race goals. You dialled in your race-specific prep. The final stage is fine-tuning all this training for your race. The most specific block of your season This final block of your training is where we turn the fitness you built into a race-specific performance. This...

Your Best Season Ever Part 3: Getting race specific

Your Best Season Ever Part 3: Getting race specific Let’s fast forward a few months into your training. You have built a stellar block of easy training, you nailed your strength training and you spent some time working on top speed. The next block you want to add is your interval work - which gets us more race-specific. One of the big problems is that race-pace is vastly different for every athlete. Usually though it ends up being at the top of zone 2, bottom of zone 3 for many long course...

Your Best Season Ever Part 2: Building your base

Your Best Season Ever Part 2: Building your base I like to think about training as building a puzzle. Most people start with the edges (this gives structure). What are your goals for the season? Then you could work on the next easiest thing (a bright tree). What are the easiest-to-spot aspects? Slowly you fill in the gaps with what’s left. A bad approach would be to start with a random puzzle piece and work around it. Similar to how some athletes plan their season. Adding in random workouts...

Welcome to Sustainable Endurance Training by Chandler Scott. Lessons, ideas and learnings about triathlon training, endurance rehab and sustainable performance. Join here to get the next volume emailed to you: